Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Oh btw, i found some TIPS and WARNINGS (more to advice actually) in order to generate the new ideas using the random association.

Random Word Stimulation is a very effective technique of generating new thinking. Many people find this type of freewheeling thinking awkward at first. This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. Learning anything new takes a little time in the beginning. Your brain needs some time to adapt by creating new neural pathways to accommodate new thinking.

Success is achieved in direct proportion to your willingness to temporally suspend the urge to discard new ideas and allow yourself the freedom to explore. Your subconscious mind is a powerful ally with a vast storehouse of information to draw from. Resist the urge to evaluate or make judgments. Focus on creating as many new ideas as possible. Do not stop to justify your new ideas, for now it is enough that you have them. Take some time to consider each word individually and in combination.

Exposure to the stimulus of random words will immediately trigger associations to experiences buried in your subconscious mind. The process is automatic and inevitable. Many associations and the ideas they generate will not make sense in relation to your subject. Be aware that new ideas often seem illogical, absurd, or completely irrelevant, when they first come into your mind. Our minds have been trained to make sense of things. Thoughts that do not make sense trigger a deeply conditioned mental response of instantly discarding new ideas as worthless fantasy. Learning to recognize this conditioned response and bring it under managed control is essential.

source from

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