Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So this is the day. Dec 16th, our presentation date. And this is how the video look like. The lecturer said there's no creative in our video. We've try to do the best already, and we said metaphor, juxtaposition and so on. But they said that's not in the video. But i can see it clearly on the greeting card's part. That showed how we equalize our topic (Hostel Life) and greeting card. Well, everybody have their own thought but i still hope for an A. :) Thanks for teaching me the whole semester. We'll never stop being creative, it's a PROMISE!

Special Tips For Random Associations!

Things You'll Need:

  • You can do this with a dictionary but we have software available from our web site which is far more effective.
  • You will also need some way to write down your thoughts.
source from

Video will be upload in the next post.


Oh btw, i found some TIPS and WARNINGS (more to advice actually) in order to generate the new ideas using the random association.

Random Word Stimulation is a very effective technique of generating new thinking. Many people find this type of freewheeling thinking awkward at first. This is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. Learning anything new takes a little time in the beginning. Your brain needs some time to adapt by creating new neural pathways to accommodate new thinking.

Success is achieved in direct proportion to your willingness to temporally suspend the urge to discard new ideas and allow yourself the freedom to explore. Your subconscious mind is a powerful ally with a vast storehouse of information to draw from. Resist the urge to evaluate or make judgments. Focus on creating as many new ideas as possible. Do not stop to justify your new ideas, for now it is enough that you have them. Take some time to consider each word individually and in combination.

Exposure to the stimulus of random words will immediately trigger associations to experiences buried in your subconscious mind. The process is automatic and inevitable. Many associations and the ideas they generate will not make sense in relation to your subject. Be aware that new ideas often seem illogical, absurd, or completely irrelevant, when they first come into your mind. Our minds have been trained to make sense of things. Thoughts that do not make sense trigger a deeply conditioned mental response of instantly discarding new ideas as worthless fantasy. Learning to recognize this conditioned response and bring it under managed control is essential.

source from

Consultation 2

So based on the last post, this is what we do in order to do our assignment. :D

So this is how we get the words. Simply look around us, (since we live in hostel)
and we jotted down EVERYTHING that we think and see. :)

And finally we come out with this. :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009



How to Generate Original Creative Ideas?

Generally, what can i say with it is Random Word is a powerful technique that provides a practical method of accessing your subconscious mind to better utilize the wealth of information within. Regular practice strengthens connection to the subconscious mind, which in turn endows the practitioner with greatly enhanced thinking skills.

Here's the step by step how to specifically create your new ideas using the random words or image associations things.

STEP 1 :
Write down exactly what you want to generate new ideas about. You can work with any type of subject, there are no limitations. Try to capture the true essence of what you’re looking for in as few words as possible. Be specific in your description, a vague description will usually yield equally vague results.

The subject can be stated in the following forms:

1. Solve a Problem
2. Generate Ideas
3. Ask a Question

STEP 2 :
Close your eyes. Open the dictionary to any page and place your finger on the page. Write down whatever word is closest to your finger. It's very important to use that particular word whether you like the word or not. This technique works best when there is no relationship between the word and your subject. Don't choose the word - let the word choose you. Randomness is critical so use whatever word you point to, write it down, and don't stop to think about it. Of course it's a good idea to read the definition so you understand the full meaning of the word.

Repeat this same routine to select five or six random words from different pages in the dictionary.

STEP 3 :
At this point you have reached the critical juncture that will determine determine your level of success in using Random Word Stimulation.

Your objective is to create associations that connect the meaning of each random word to your subject in some way. Each new association represents the seed of a new idea so the more associations you create - the better your chances of generating valuable new ideas.

It does not matter if your associations make sense or not at this point. Find any way to connect the word to your subject that you can think of. If you feel inhibited in any way make an effort to be a little outrageous until you overcome your inhibitions. Did I say "a little"? NO - what I meant to say was Extremely Outrageous!

Be sure to write down ALL of your thoughts no matter how silly or irrelevant they may seem at first. Never make snap judgments about your thoughts at this point. Have faith in the fact that your subconscious mind brought these thoughts to light for a reason, even though the reason may not be readily apparent.

Step 4 :
It was Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) that formulated the three laws of association. Use these laws to create your associations.

They are:


Step 5 :
Congratulations! You have just expanded your perceptions of your subject far beyond your normal patterns of thinking in ways you would not have otherwise considered.

After a number of new associations have been generated, perhaps several dozen, you can begin to explore and discover ways to apply your associations to the matter at hand. Applying random meaning to a subject suggests ways of looking at the subject in a different context from which the subject is normally viewed. Discovering new ways to look at things will start to generate new ideas automatically.

Always record everything for later review. Optimal ideas often need time to gel. The old saying - "sleep on it and things will look different in the morning" is a very reliable piece of ancient wisdom. A consistent routine of short relaxed sessions is generally the best strategy for success. Regular practice of 10 - 20 minutes per day can produce astonishing results.

Step 6:
The article is focused on amplifying your creativity to generate new original ideas. Evaluating your new ideas to discern the optimal methods of implementing new idea in the real world requires critical thinking. Critical thinking is an esoteric blend of logic and creativity which is too involved a subject for this type of article format.

Just remember that generating new ideas is about quantity rather than quality. It's like drilling for oil. You will more often drill many dry holes before you finally hit the gusher that brings the fortunes of success. Happy Drilling!

source from

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Back to new post :D
Hahaha.. The topic is JUXTAPOSITION. (in Malay).

See a glimpse of nature's spectrum of temperment in one scene. The inner sanctuary remains calm and unconcerned by the calamity on its doorstop, as huge waves repeatedly hurl and dash themselves against the rocky fortress.

Can be define as synonymous with contrast, two objects or texts that oppose one another. In the class said it's relationship between two discourse segments. And aslo by juxtaposing two objects or words to each other, human brain will automatically associate of transfer meaning. Usually 'turning' something familiar to something less familiar or vice-verca. Mr Radzi and Mr Halim explained that juxtaposition is a placing or being placed in nearness contiguity, or side by side as a juxtaposition of words.

Juxtaposition can be divide by two :
  • Metaphor - Is a figure of speech in which 2 different things are linked by some similarity. Comparison that are obvious are not consider metaphors. Therefore, metaphors occur, when 2 different ideas are being connected in imaginative ways

  • Similies - A simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things, often introduced with the word like or as. similes allow the two ideas to remain distinct in spite of their similarities, whereas metaphors compare two things without using like or as.

Chili & LOVE !

Love is like chili. Nice and can be beautiful from the outside. But it'll be pain inside. Nobody eat chili just like that. Just like love, nobody take it directly, we have to know our future lover first. :)


There are many different categories of analogies, which will prove to be very useful in the idea generation process. For the purpose of our course we will introduce only two different categories of analogies, which are

  • Logical Analogies - Logical analogies are analogies, which use similarities in the design, structure or function of to connect back to the subject. For example a duck can be compared to a hovercraft because of the fact that both of them can move on the surface of land and water. Another example is the comparison of the whale and a submarine, where both can dive to great depths but still need to surface for air. (Sourced from: Nicholas Rourkes’ Art Synectics.)
  • Affective analogies - Affective analogies are the emotional resemblance. The clearest example is the use of an animal to explain a certain characteristic of a person. This type of analogy is used most frequently in conversation to emphasis certain points. For example, he is like a pig (because he is lazy), she is like an ant (because she is hard working), he is like an owl (because he is wise), etc. This type of analogies uses the intrinsic values of the object as a comparison.(Sourced from: Nicholas Rourkes’ Art Synectics.)

Advertisement using metaphor.

Mind map :D

LET'S STUDY!!!!!!!!!!

Hahaha.. So how now? What's the best way to study? How to remind things easily. :( I dont have enough time to study! The answer is :

It's a powerful way to express word, idea, tasks or other item into a diagram or picture. It's linked from a big point to the small point. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making and writing.It's easier for us to memorize information through picture and less word.

Divided into 2 :-
  • Logical Mind Map
  • Associated Mind Map

Mind maps can be used for :-

  • Problem Solving
  • Outline / Framework Design
  • Anonymous collaboration.
  • Marriage of words and visuals.
  • Individual expression of creativity.
  • Condensing material into a concise and memorable format.
  • Team building or synergy creating activity.
  • Enhancing work morale.
Example of Associated Mind Map
(click for better picture)

Example of Logical Mind Map
(click for better picture)

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation & Invention

Let's read my post today in pointing. :p Easier for you. Thanks me.


- Derived from Latin word novem for "NEW".
- Businessman, Designers and some other need this skill, novelty.
- Simple example : Make a new style of
art from an existing object.

Pillow from doughnut idea.


- Process of producing new idea or concept.
- Associated with right forehead brain activity or even specifically with lateral thinking.
- Turning of something imaginative, into reality.
- Something like 'Thinking outside the box'.
- Musician, Painter, Architect, Writer is some of job need creativity.

Creativity exist on how she 'say' who and how much she love.
'Picture worth a thousand words'


- Process of implementing the creativity and novelty.
- "New stuff that is made useful"
- To define it simple, person make their stuff up to date.
- Clothes, mobile phones.
- Businessman think of money while making innovation. :p

Schumpeter (1934), contributors to the scholarly literature on innovation typically distinguish between invention, an idea made manifest, and innovation, ideas applied successfully in practice. In many fields, something new must be substantially different to be innovative, not an insignificant change, e.g., in the arts, economics, business and government policy.
Apple making their hardware in desktop, in the monitor.

So from the picture, what Apple done is an innovation from computer trend and fashion. There's no more messy wire. Everything is behind the monitor so we can save place to put other thing's like printer or modem. :p Pretty cool? It's expensive. Haha..


An invention is a new composition, device, or process. Some inventions are based on pre-existing models or ideas and others are radical breakthroughs. Inventions can extend the boundaries of human knowledge or experience.
- That's what i got from our friend, Mr Wiki. :p
- Process when implementing the creativity in producing things.
- Discovery or creation of new material.
- The best inventor for me is Alexander Graham Bell.
- He create something that need innovator to brainstorming, telephone.

He invent telephone which is a way of communication that needed by everyone now in the whole world. Just look on how wired telephone now becoming mobile. They called it handphone! :p You can communicate with your friends anywhere, anytime. So that one was a great thing invented. Or anyone still want to communicate using smoke? Hahaha

Bell speaking into prototype model of the telephone


Hello. New post. I'm pretty sure you guys know what my title is. Some can say 'Innovation'. The other say 'Something out of the box'. While the other say 'New Concept'. I'm not saying those was wrong. They're absolutely correct. But I'm here to elaborate what is Creativity. So i googled. :D And what i found is this.

Creativity is a mental and social process involving the discovery of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. Creativity is fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight. An alternative conception of creativeness (based on its etymology) is that it is simply the act of making something new.
Let me explain a little here. Creative is a process of thinking and brainstorming to produce something new and be admired from other people. It'll start from something that no one know and in the process of thinking, we'll produce something very fresh based on experience or what we have learned.

I didn't come to the first class. (because i registered late, not skipping :p). But i've asked my friend and this is what they do. One person (example me) had to give my friend (one only) a piece of paper and ask him to write about me.
  • Full name
  • Hometown
  • Things that like
  • Things didn’t like
  • Unique about this person
  • Logo for this person
Okay so i don't know what my friend will answer that. :p But i guess it'll be pretty interesting. But as what i can see, this activity make a person, brainstorming and thinking about you. They will come out with something that'll make you laugh. Example, thing's that like. What if he answered, smoking? In fact, i didn't smoke. :p So that's his brainstorming of thinking something funny and creative to make the other laugh.

Blog Owner Creativity

Hola! So you're about to know the profile of the blog owner which is me. I'll start from a picture of myself. Which is an old picture but i still will put it here so that you'll know. :p

Okay let's start. My full name is Mohd Noor Adzfar Bin Md Kamsani. I am 23 years old because i was born in 1986, November 5th. When i was a kid, i grew up in a lot of place. Bera,Pahang then Bentong, Pahang from 13 years old to 20 years old. Then my family moved to Gombak, Selangor because my father's work. And the last 2 years, we've moved to Kajang, Selangor because of my mother's work.

I'm studying at MMU in Bachelor Of Media Innovation And Management. It's my first year. And i really hope i can do my best in all subject. :p I am very interested in gaming, photography and futsal. Yes, i can create creativeness in all of my interest. As for example, gaming. I need to think the strategy to beat my enemy. So i have to think something creative (startegy) which will make them confuse and lose. And so photography, i need to be creative so my picture will be great. Last, futsal. Of course, i have to do a lot of creative trick to beat my opponent to score and win them. :D

Since this is the only subject i take this semester, i hope i can do my best in the subject. And i've been involved in event such as sek@mmu and gaming tournament.

So that's a little about me. :p I got my personal blog. It's like my simple diary, of what had happened, and will happened to me. Okay now. See you next post.